

Apply to become a verified Genie

Join RemoteGenies® with a simple online application. We ensure excellence by having all applicants complete assessments, selecting only top-tier freelancers for our community.

Once approved, access a world of international projects and showcase your expertise to a global client base. Welcome to where the best of the best thrive!


#Make yourself stand out

Enhance Your
Profile's Potential

Your profile is the cornerstone of your professional presence. It's where potential collaborators first encounter your expertise, so it's vital to make a lasting impression.

Highlight your career trajectory, clearly outline your skill set, and share your narrative with a touch of personal insight. Populate your portfolio with select examples of your work—concise, engaging, and always current. Think of your profile as a window into your professional life that invites clients to step in and explore the possibilities.

#Precision at its finest

Bid on Projects Custom Fit for Your Expertise

Welcome to a new era of freelancing where your skills don’t just find tasks—they find the right tasks. RemoteGenies® introduces Smart Matching Technology, a revolutionary system that ensures you’re not just another bid, but one of the select few invited by clients to bring their projects to life.

#Become an Expert

Bid with expertise,
Grow with Intent

Your bids are a testament to your expertise here at RemoteGenies®, but the journey doesn't end there. As you bid based on well-estimated hours , remember that every project is an opportunity to sharpen your skills.

We encourage you to continuously evolve your skillset; the more proficient you become, the more attractive your profile is to potential clients. Work closely with your task coordinator, leveraging their insights to refine your approach. Expand your expertise, bid with precision, and watch as your chances of landing the perfect client soar.


Join the world's marketplace for Filipino freelancers

Either Hire a Talented Filipino Genie or Become One – The Choice is Yours in Our Global Freelancing Community.
